This spring and summer, we are studying the life of David as he journeys with God from the pastures of Bethlehem to the palace in Jerusalem. Along the way, we’ll stop to savor songs from the Psalms, exploring the depth of David’s unique relationship with the Lord as a “man after God’s own heart.”
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
The Life & Lyrics of David: "My Times Are in Your Hands," Troy Champ
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The Life & Lyrics of David: "Seeing into Your Soul," Troy Champ
This spring and summer, we are studying the life of David as he journeys with God from the pastures of Bethlehem to the palace in Jerusalem. Along the way, we’ll stop to savor songs from the Psalms, exploring the depth of David’s unique relationship with the Lord as a “man after God’s own heart.”
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015
The Gospel of Luke: "Put His Words into Practice," Troy Champ
This weekend we continue a study of the Gospel of Luke. The author was a medical doctor who set out to carefully investigate the life and ministry of Jesus. This book is the product of his research. As we study Luke’s Gospel together, may you discover for yourself the person of King Jesus.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015
The Gospel of Luke: "God is Up to Something," Troy Champ
This weekend we continue a study of the Gospel of Luke. The author was a medical doctor who set out to carefully investigate the life and ministry of Jesus. This book is the product of his research. As we study Luke’s Gospel together, may you discover for yourself the person of King Jesus.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The Gospel of Luke: "An Invitation," Rob Harter
This weekend we continue a study of the Gospel of Luke. The author was a medical doctor who set out to carefully investigate the life and ministry of Jesus. This book is the product of his research. As we study Luke’s Gospel together, may you discover for yourself the person of King Jesus.
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