Friday, August 24, 2012

"Swaziland Weekend," Troy Champ

Thank you for joining us for Capital Church's "Swaziland Weekend" as we celebrate our partnership with the Mkhombokati Carepoint in Swaziland, Africa. We will hear a report from the 2012 Swaziland Mission Team, get an update on the status of the physical CarePoint as well as the adults and children living there, offer myriad opportunities for you to invest (here OR there) in this incredible ministry and announce the trip dates for our 2013 Mission Team!

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

"When Unexpected Defeat Becomes Unexpected Victory," Wayne Kraiss

Capital Church, to lead people to become fully-devoted followers of Christ.

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The Gospel of Luke: "Amazing Faith," Troy Champ

This weekend we continue a study of the Gospel of Luke. The author was a medical doctor who set out to carefully investigate the life and ministry of Jesus. This book is the product of his research. As we study Luke’s Gospel together, may you discover for yourself the person of King Jesus.

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"Even Now," Rob Harter

Capital Church, to lead people to become fully-devoted followers of Christ.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Words That Give Life," Ken Bohney

Capital Church, to lead people to become fully-devoted followers of Christ.

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The Gospel of Luke: "Tending the Tree," Troy Champ

This weekend we continue a study of the Gospel of Luke. The author was a medical doctor who set out to carefully investigate the life and ministry of Jesus. This book is the product of his research. As we study Luke’s Gospel together, may you discover for yourself the person of King Jesus.

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